

Jasmine Goliath was one of the academics from NMMU who were invited by the MEC of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs to be a guest speaker and panellist at the Eastern Cape Liquor Summit. The event was held at the East London International Convention Centre from 5 – 7 March. The purpose of the summit was to ensure that input is provided by all stakeholders for the Proposed National Liquor Amendment Bill which will amend the National Liquor Act of 2003. 

Jasmine presented a research paper on the economic contributions that is made by the liquor industry, the current trends and the need for transformation and participation of South African SME manufacturers, brewmasters and distributors along the liquor industry value chain and not just in the retail sector as taverns and unlicensed shebeens. 

For the remainder of the summit, she served as a panellist in the promotion of the industry commission and provided advice on how the amendment bill will impact small business owners as well as on how to transform and adopt more formal business models in the liquor industry. The Eastern Cape Liquor board will be providing funding in the form of postgraduate bursaries to conduct research in the fields of Law, Social Development and Business Management. 

The summit was broadcast by the SABC and Algoa FM and was attended by various government officials such as the Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, the Minister of Trade and Industry Mr Rob Davies and various MECs. SA Breweries and Heineken were amongst the stakeholders as well as other academics from the University of Rhodes and the University of Fort Hare and representatives from the house of Traditional leaders. 

ABOVE: Jasmine Goliath at the East Cape Liquor Summit