

On Monday, 9 February 2015, Jackie Palframan from the School of Management Sciences, together with local entertainer Gino Fabbri, hosted the Eastern Cape Investment Summit at the Boardwalk International Convention Centre at the beachfront.

The summit saw over 100 financial planners and investment advisors from across the Eastern Cape attend presentations from the top investment houses in South Africa. The audience was treated to informative presentations from investment portfolio managers at Allan Gray, Coronation, Foord, Investec, Marriott, Nedgroup, Prudential, RE-CM, Satrix and Stanlib.

Following the presentations, a panel discussion including all presenters was chaired by Jackie Palframan. The day ended with cocktails and an opportunity for the presenters and delegates to do some networking and renewing of friendships.

ABOVE: Gino Fabbri and Jackie Palframan

ABOVE: Delegates attending the summit