

My PhD started when I was fresh out of the private sector and with limited prior research experience, apart from my MBA.

I had a strong desire to better understand what drives employees to become engaged at work. More importantly, I wanted to understand how the value system of Ubuntu could contribute to improving engagement of South African Organisations. Researching Ubuntu was the most challenging part of my research process, as much of the existing literature was philosophical, anecdotal and steeped in rich African culture and tradition.

The entire process of completing my PhD was very rewarding and fulfilling. The helpfulness of my colleagues in the Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences made the lonely and uphill journey more manageable. As a husband and father, the challenges of maintaining a work-life balance was significant. By reserving enough hours for quality family time to worship God, and to maintain our physical well-being through running and hiking, helped me to manage stress and build relationships. Completing my PhD re-affirmed and gave credence to the aphorism that I deeply believe in, namely: muntu, umuntu ngabantu.