

Four members of the School of Management Sciences presented papers at the 5th International Conference on Financial Services on 29 September - 1 October 2015 which took place at the Boardwalk Hotel, Port Elizabeth.


The authors were as follows:

Dr Janine Kruger and Prof Chantal Rootman were the authors of a paper entitled: Unit trusts as an investment vehicle. Young adults' perceptions.

Prof Chantal Rootman and Mr Xolile Antoni were the authors of a paper entitled: Demographic factors affecting the financial literacy of black consumers.

Prof Madele Tait and Dr Edem Bart-Williams were the authors of a paper entitled: Determinants of internet banking adoption by banks in Ghana.

ABOVE (from left to right): Dr Janine Kruger, Prof Madelé Tait, Dr Edem Bart-Williams and Prof Chantal Rootman