Professor Miemie Struwig, Director of the School of Management Sciences, together with Dr Hanningtone Gaya, CEO of Media 7 Group Kenya Ltd. Kenya presented the paper, ” A New Theory for Creating Sources of Sustainable Competitive Advantage in a Services Firm in the Motor Industry in Kenya”. They won the Best Paper Award for this paper at the conference.
Four other papers from Business Management colleagues were also presented at the conference:
Waweru, R.W. & Smith, E.E. Impact of context factors on strategy implementation in microfiance organizations in a developing country.
Kiboi, A., Perks, S. & Smith, E.E. External factors influencing strategy implementation in Kenyan state corporations.
Okware, F., Perks, S. & Smith, E.E. Exploring external forces that influence the performance of training institutions in a developing country.
Kinoti, A. & Struwig M. Business incubation process and business development in Kenya: Challenges and Recommendations.
ABOVE (Left): Prof Miemie Struwig (Right) Dr. Hanningtone Gaya