In March 2014 the new toilet block, which has 20 new, clean, working toilets was made available to the kids.
Located on the edge of New Brighton and Kwazakhele, Ben Sinuka is one of Port Elizabeth’s oldest schools. The school has 628 learners, a dedicated staff, and new leadership which is committed to bringing about change in the school. Unfortunately, it is also one of its poorest and most disadvantaged. Many of the learners are orphaned and a large percent live in wooden or tin shacks in the neighboring village. Many come from homes without working parents and are thus the best hope for their family’s future chances of breaking the poverty cycle.
Paul Tai-Hing, from the Department of Management Practice, together with NMMU students raised funds through a 2014 first year entrepreneurship project to fund the project. Nearly 100 hundred of these learners have assisted in fundraising for the school, cleaning its grounds, painting classrooms, fixing the garden, and befriending the young learners.
This story can be viewed at the link below:
ABOVE: Paul Tai-Hing with one of the learners of Ben Sinuka Primary School
ABOVE: New toilet block at Ben Sinuka Primary School