

The School of Management Sciences hosted guest lecturer Prof Wouter Vanhouche from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Katholic University Leuven (KU Leuven) in Belgium on Monday 8 April 2013

Prof Vanhouche holds a PhD in Marketing (2005) from the University of Florida, USA. The marketing department is best known for its excellence in the area of Consumer Behavior.

Before moving back to Belgium in 2009 he was on the faculty of the Business School at the University of Central Florida. He is now at the Catholique University of Leuven in Belgium. His work has investigated (negative) experiences, and the degree to which consumers generalize from those experiences to future encounters with the brand, or whether price-quality heuristics dominate quality judgments at the time of repeat purchase when prior experience conflicts with the heuristic. Past and ongoing work can best be situated in the broad area of Consumer Research. It relies substantially on the use of experimental design.

In the classroom, students appreciate his engaging and interactive teaching style and his approachable attitude. He has taught Consumer Behaviour but also parts of Introduction to Marketing and courses on Research Methods. When not working, he enjoys spending time with his family, playing tennis, and running.

He presented his topic “The Nuts and Bolts of Conducting Experimental Research” at the Council Chambers on South Campus.

               Above: Prof Wouter Vanhouche