

Management Practice students from the 2nd Avenue, George and Missionvale Campuses are to benefit from bursaries awarded to them by the Wholesale and Retail SETA, as well as retail giant Shoprite, to further their studies at the NMMU.

The Department of Management Practice has been instrumental in securing twenty-six bursaries from the Wholesale and Retail SETA in support of learners registered at the George Campus, while one hundred and eighteen bursaries were secured for learners registered at the Missionvale and 2nd Avenue Campuses. The bursary recipients were chosen on the basis of their financial means. In addition, Shoprite, the leading retailing group in South Africa, has awarded bursaries to five learners registered for the programme.

The support gained from the SETA and industry is primarily due to the introduction of Retail Management majors in the Diploma Management in 2015. Dr Jo Zeelie, HOD of the Department of Management Practice, became a part of a committee representing the various universities across the country with the Retail SETA.

Prior to the introduction of the retail modules in 2015, relations and negotiations with the Wholesale and Retail SETA and FET Colleges in the Southern Cape were initiated to garner support for the recruitment of students with diplomas from these colleges. Dr Zeelie initiated talks with Shoprite management with whom he is scheduled to meet shortly to discuss the possibility of providing more bursaries to students, particularly learners from the rural areas.


ABOVE: Dr Jo Zeelie